In recent years, AI technology, exemplified by ChatGPT, has seen remarkable advancements, holding the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. The dynamics of human-AI relations can be characterized by two main aspects: collaborative and competitive interactions. In collaborative scenarios, AI enhances human capabilities, improving problem-solving and automating tasks for greater efficiency and productivity. However, the competitive aspect raises concerns about job displacement, privacy, and ethical considerations as AI integrates further into our daily lives.
Video games invite us into fantastic future scenarios, where AI is far more developed and integrated than at present. They offer immersive experiences that help us to understand the potential complexities and probable effects of AI on individuals and societies.
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    Android carers

    In the virtual world of Detroit: Become Human, androids, AI-powered robots, have taken center stage in childcare. These androids empathetically perceive and respond to children's emotions, actively engaging in interactive activities like playtime.

    They possess more-than-human abilities to analyze children's reading materials, discerning their unique interests and supporting their developmental needs. This portrayal highlights the potential of AI-driven androids to emulate human-like behaviors, while questioning the sovereignty of the human in realms as intimate as parenting.
    As players in these games, we can intimately experience and empathize with the changes AI may bring about, such as the loss of jobs caused by robotic automation, the psychological impact of artificial friendships or the societal implications of a generation of children raised by machines. These changes are already taking place. The implications of AI-human relationships are evident in the first generation of virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles and intelligent robots. It is unsurprising that trust issues emerge as AI systems start to handle sensitive data and we give them permission to make autonomous decisions for us. Video games explore both the collaborative and competitive sides of this relationship, posing the question of whether we can harness the full potential of AI while ensuring it aligns with our values and societal needs.

    Robot companions

    The video game Cloudpunk provides a compelling portrayal of human interaction with robotic animals.

    In this immersive experience, players enter a world where sentient robotic creatures serve as conversational companions, allowing exploration of the dynamics and emotional connections that arise when humans engage with and befriend these advanced companions. Cloudpunk challenges the boundaries between the artificial and authentic, prompting contemplation on the complexities of human-AI interactions.